The Wonderful Benefits of a Hydrafacial

If you’re looking for a powerful and complete facial treatment, it’s time you discovered the power of Hydrafacial. This proprietary facial procedure combines the benefits of exfoliation, chemical peels, and facials in one. With no downtime, this is a revolutionary approach to reviving your skin!

Using a combination of powerful Vortex technology and hydrating serums, it can rejuvenate your skin in one session. However, only estheticians who are certified by the company may use this approach.

Today, we’re looking at all the benefits of this revolutionary approach to skincare. Let’s get going!

What is a Hydrafacial?

Hydrafacials are a patented process that combines the effects of chemical peels, suction, and deeply hydrating skin conditioning. Through a three-step process, your esthetician cleanses and exfoliates your skin, extracts sebum and debris from your pores, and hydrates your skin. 

Hydrafacial specialists use a hand tool with different tips to cleanse your skin first with a gentle exfoliant that combines lactic and clucosamine called active 4. Step 2 would use a glysal chemical peel using salycilic acid. Once the new layer of skin is revealed and prepped with the first steps, they use the Vortex tip to suck out sebum from your pores, and extract all impurities preparing them for the next step in the process. In the final step, a hydrating serum saturates your skin. During this last step, your esthetician can customize the treatment for your skin type and address any skin concerns you may have. 

What makes a Hydrafacial different from other facials?

Most facials are either exfoliating, hydrating, or involve a chemical peel. Because it’s a three-step process, a Hydrafacial feels like three treatments in one. A significant benefit of this approach is the lack of recovery time. Powerful suction allows for a deeper cleanse than a traditional facial. Especially for those with enlarged pores, this treatment can leave you with tighter, more resilient skin.

Can anyone receive a Hydrafacial?

Generally speaking, Hydrafacials are great for any skin type or concern. It won’t aggravate sensitive skin and can treat a wide range of common skin issues. Suction during the second phase of the treatment clears up acne and blackheads and can help unclog pores. The third phase is ideal for treating dry skin, fine lines, and for reducing the signs of aging.

Sun damage can leave your skin with brown spots and hyperpigmentation. Hydrafacials help to even out your skin tone and texture leaving you with younger, healthier skin.

The many benefits of a Hydrafacial

Hydrafacials are designed to be customized and address many common skin concerns in one treatment. You’ll see an immediate impact on your skin’s health and enjoy a more clear, younger-looking complexion. 

benefits of a hydrafacial

Hydrafacials are incredibly customizable based on your skin concern

During the third stage of a Hydrafacial, you can customize which boosters are used to address most skin concerns. Because the dead skin cells are removed from the surface of your skin during the first and second stages, your skin is soft and ready to absorb any treatment. Vortex technology infuses the boosters deep into your pores for maximum outcomes.

As the name suggests, you will have deeply hydrated skin afterward 

Hydrafacial’s proprietary serums deeply hydrate your skin and leave you with smooth, glowing skin. Unlike surface treatments that take longer to work, it’s a quick and powerful way to restore a youthful, healthy look. 

Hydrafacials are great for combatting acne

Vortex technology removes oil, dirt, and grime from deep under the skin, leaving your pores clean and clear. Even with active acne, the treatment is an effective tool to address your skin concerns.

As an anti-aging treatment, Hydrafacials will target wrinkles

By infusing the skin with hydrating serums and removing dead skin cells, Hydrafaicals are effective at reducing the signs of aging. Beyond that, it clears out your pores and leaves your skin tighter and more resilient than before.

Hydrafacials help with long-term skin health

Through the three-step process, Hydrafacials function as a complete package of skincare treatments. Dead skin cells and debris are removed, pores are cleared, and your skin is deeply hydrated. With consistent treatments, you’ll see a drastic improvement in your long-term skin health. Most estheticians recommend treatments every four to six weeks for best results.

A relaxing opportunity for self-care

Hydrafacials are a pain-free, non-invasive way to improve your skin. It’s a relaxing way to achieve younger-looking, healthier skin. Combined with other treatments like lymphatic massage, it’s a next-level self-care regimen with lasting results.

Vian Aesthetics will provide you with the best Hydrafacial in Chicago!

Vian Aesthetics offers a full menu of Hydrafacial procedures. Our customized treatments will leave your skin feeling refreshed and ready to face the world! Combined with LED Light therapy, they’re a quick and effective way to reduce signs of aging like hyperpigmentation and wrinkles.

Check out our website to book your Hydrafacial today!


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