Self-Care While Sheltering In Place

These past few weeks have been a rough time for all of us due to how Covid-19 has taken over the world. Every one of us is on edge and stressed because we really don’t know what exactly is happening. Like you, I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster with so many mixed feelings—from being scared of the unknown and where we go from here to thinking about the future of my business, including all the simple little things that we took for granted, like scheduling appointments, walking the dog, going to the grocery store...

But like you, I hope, I’m trying to turn it into a positive time, using this as an opportunity to really reflect on myself and my journey. Taking some time to unwind mentally and physically. And doing some self-care, meditation and workouts, which help me stay focused and sane. Working out always gives me a boost of energy and happiness.

I’ve been thinking about how my business will change by the end of this. I’ve also been structuring my days at home around personal care and my physical surroundings. I hope the following ideas are useful or are ones that will spark others!

Stay-at-Home Tips

Here’s what I’m doing these days and a few other strategies to help get you through this stay-at-home, stay-resilient time.

Relax, Beautifully

  • Turn a simple bubble bath into a spa experience by adding some wellness background music and essential oil diffusing. Make it fun by adding a cute bath bomb or your favorite scent. Apply a hydrating face mask.

  • Pour yourself a nice glass of wine or brew some herbal tea and read your favorite book or watch an uplifting or fun rom-com movie.

Reorganize, Sanely

  • If even the thought of reorganizing rooms and closets stresses you out, while your work-life balancing act teeters out of your control, take a breath. For me, this is been a great opportunity to reorganize my apartment, declutter it of things that I don’t use or wear, do some spring cleaning, and work on a closet that definitely needed some TLC.

  • For you and your partner or kids, maybe take a room at a time. Make a game of seeing who can find the most things to eventually give away.

  • Or, make the store/give-away/toss process into a game. Have everyone share why they want to save an old toy, photo, or piece of clothing—then make room for those things in a special place.

Refresh and Revitalize, Often

Lately my skin is been taking a toll from stress, dehydration, and eating habits So, twice a week I take time to give myself a mini facial by cleansing, exfoliating, masking, and adding serums packed full with antioxidants and moisturizer. (If you run out of favorite facial care products, let me know and I can recommend you some products.)

  • The hardest part is staying on track with healthy eating habits. When you’re stuck at home, you have easy access to the fridge and want to eat everything. I know I do! My trick is to keep around only foods that are healthy—preventing me from eating junk—and to drink lots of water. People are now baking a lot, so watch the carbs. And, though some chocolate or ice cream is its own reward, keep those awards ceremonies to a minimum!

  • I still try to wake up early and stay active. One thing that always worked for me is making my bed. It keeps me from laying back down and snoozing around all day.

  • Since we can’t spend as much time outside, make sure to open your windows for some fresh air. Cool morning briskness with a big cup of coffee is such a cozy but energizing way to start the day.

  • Incorporate some yoga or meditation into your day. I always find good routines on You Tube or, lately, on Instagram live.

  • Having a daily check list of things to do and a schedule will help keep you on track and set your intentions and goals for the day.

  • I always like to feed my spiritual side, so I’m being better about praying and being thankful in life. Each day, write down one thing you’re thankful for.

That’s always a good reminder.

Every time I feel down I always remember all the things that I’ve been blessed with—my little frenchie, my health, the roof over my head, enough food, and a loving family near me. Keep in mind that we’re not alone, we have our community, online access, and more. It all looks unfair, harsh, and sad, right now, but there is light glimmering ahead. It may not feel like it now, but it’s spring, and that’s always been a time of renewal. All the things that help make our lives happier like exercising outdoors, dining out, shopping, concerts, art—and getting back to the spa!—are coming.

What we do now on our own to stay mentally and physically resilient will make us better prepared for when this thing is beaten. Shelter in place is the rule. Comfort and care in place will guide us along the way, however long it takes.

Stay well out there!




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